Reikes small life...

By Reike

Too much energy.

Another day hanging out with HilarysView, her most talented but non-blipping husband, SwissPiper and MalcolmsEye. 
Check out yesterday's blip from a fantastic big Blipmeet!

Philipp, Djeili and I went off for a snowshoe hike when the others where skiing. The snowshoe hike didn't happen unfortunately as Djeili decided to spend some time on a happy side project, and she only came back after seemingly endless 15-20min, when I was already a nervous wreck. 

She also ate Piper's food twice, destroyed one of her toys, nearly wagged the flowers off the table and we were close to being deafened with some squeaky toys.
Anyone wanting a very energetic puppy? I will swap for goldfishes! 

Ah well, I am afraid  I will later whisper some more I-love-yous into her ear... 

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