Geocaching again!

Phone consultation with the doc in the morning. My neck-throat -tension has almost gone now and he gave me a "green gard" - a permission to stay working. But as it was first day working after a sick leave, I felt quite tired in the afternoon! Needed strong coffee to stay awake until 4pm, even if I had quite workful day,

Apparently it has been a lovely day after some snow showers - sunny afternoon anyway -1c and so I decided to make little walk to few geocahces into the forest nearby. To catch some fresh air.

I decided to buy a Geocaching license for one year today - it cost 30euros. Quite a cheap hobby, I think, and I somehow like the idea of it - it gives you a reason to enjoy walking in forests and city too. And you really have to think and focus into finding the well hidden geocahces.

The blip is on my way back home, as sun was setting already.
It has been a good day, hope you had one too!


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