Near the Lebersiek Wells We Rested @ the Hermitage

It was already after noon when our walking took off at the joining of the Lebersiek and the Bever stream. The Lebersiek Valley is a gently slanting dale mounting up into the Eichenhagen and Eddessen forest. Sometimes you meet a farmer or a forester. But off-season walkers are rare. Most time we walk in perfect silence, feeling hand contact, joining arms for a while.

The brook showed us her hidden forest ponds. And let us feel the nearness of some wells. Then we arrived in a forest with may old oaks. They mark the pilgrimage track along the white road chapels. At Eichenhagen the giant Oaktree Methusalem had lost its Sky Highness under a heavy storm. And had been sawn into pieces. Not far from this grave we discovered wooden crosses under a roof at the foot of a old oak…

It turnes out to be the burriel place of the Baron of Amelunxen and his wife Elisabeth. A most simple and natural sanctuary. Another Place of silence would follow: the Hermitage Eddessen.
There we rested outside and inside. At the Water-Chapel I lit three candles. Thinking of Mischa’s Notification on the Equinox, the arrival of spring. Willemien sat on a bench and was looking around, hearing deeply into the silence. Somewhere around the Hermit-Nun was working between the trees. I reposed for a while in the small church.

Then we left this unique place and walked over many forest tracks, finally back into the Lebersiek-valley from where we had started. It darkened a bit as we reached home.

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