The Revenge of the Cupboard!!

After yesterday’s clear out, the day was spent trying to sort what came out of the cupboard in order to try and get it all back in again! Along with yesterday’s discoveries, I unearthed some more interesting finds including: a mock-up of my wedding dress, a complete set of fabrics to a make a velvet and raw silk ball gown, a dozen sets of shoulder pads from the 1990s and a set of instructions on how to make a peg doll, written by myself in 1974!! I learned to write at a very early age!!! ;)

Took a five minute break from the slog of sorting and popped into the garden where the first Camelia flower of the year was backlit by the Spring sunshine…

Having completely run out of umph, the cupboard still remains empty and will now have to wait until tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that… But I think you’re right, Ausländer, it’s never going to all fit back in again! The revenge of the cupboard!!

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