Bird of paradise

Spoilt for a Blip again today because on Black Tulip's recommendation we went to the Blandy's estate, Palheiro Gardens and I had a lovely time playing with my macro lens, depth of field, focal points, leading lines with such beautiful flowers.  This was followed by Earl Grey Tea, cream tart and a cake with all sorts of things in it. SOOOOOO civilised.

I am rather pleased with this shot of the Bird of Paradise flower.  I like the angle and the light and the way it stands out from the background, but then what do I know?  The extra is especially for Black Tulip as I know she likes bug type creatures...

A much quieter day today.  We walked a bit of the Levada da Norte complete with tunnel and torches and one horribly narrow vertiginous bit I had to go past via road...  What a wimp!

Dinner tonight down in Camara da Lobos - all most satisfactory.

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