Not QUITE the same...

... really, is it? 
There are a diversity of reasons for this.
1. The obvious one.
2. The fact that I couldn't get exactly the same vantage point, because:-
A) We hadn't gone with the intent of a walk, one of us having been a wee bit off-colour.
B) To achieve the same view I'd have been up to the "umliqueues" in wet, since some inconsiderate bugger storm had moved the river a bit this way and it's deep where once was shallow.

Extra, at severe risk of being shot for theft, but didn't spot a "©".
While perusing the Post Office I noticed the ubiquitous "they" had made a series of photos around the disaster.
I rather liked this one & shot, pruned, cloned etc. to get rid of the two diagonals holding it in place.
If you saw the original you'd know why I'm, understandably, chuffed with the dodgy end product.
IF the senile dump called "memory" works I may try for the correct real position - suitably armed with green Wellies nearer the same time as the original one.

Just spotted a couple of "whoopsies".
1. A poxy bit of cropping, bottom left.
2. Having successfully removed a 4" red plastic pipe from the far side, and a possible Life belt leaning against the tree on the right side, I totally forgot to remove the Life-Belt's reflection.


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