Birthday bike

Zebedee is 16 in 8 days!

I suggested to the relatives and friends that they could send money and collectively buy Zebedee a new bicycle for his birthday, so today we went to pick it up!

I visited my mum mid-morning, the home were doing a deep chemical clean of all the carpets and thorough cleaning of their rooms so everybody was in the dining room, mum was sitting with Irish Mary who I'm very fond of and a lady I hadn't met before called Vera, it turns out Vera is 94! It was so nice chatting to them both and highlighted the fact that it's just not possible to chat to my mother any more, she enjoyed listening to us talk and was able to join in a bit with my help. I painted her nails with the new nail polish we bought her called midnight bronze which looks really nice.

Gulliver woke up feeling sick this morning at about six so stayed off school, Lola watch crap TV with him and made him some food while I was out. Zebedee got back at lunchtime because it's the end of term and they only had a half day!

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