Light & sight

By CameronDP

You may already be an anarchist

I found this thought-provoking message lurking behind an otherwise very ordinary- looking cable cabinet on a sleepy, leafy surburban corner in deepest Knaresborough. I wonder what it might be trying to tell us about the people who live there?
Well, things have improved somewhat since my last somewhat melancholia-changed blips. I now have a new Mac, currently being reloaded in my study. Meanwhile a refund from PayPal for the scam is pending. It would be true to say that things got to me for a while there. Looking back, I think I am someone whose default setting is trust… if someone says they going to do something, I genuinely expect them to do it. When someone abuses trust by trying to be deceptive or simply letting you down, well… there is always something dismaying about the experience.
Things have improved too with my assistant at work. Yes, sometimes I get a little tired of looking across the desk at a blank wall of beard, but now and then he does rouse himself. He is basically a good guy who does a good job most of the time. I have had a few difficult bosses over the years, and they have made me very determined not to be like that with him. I think (I hope!) I succeed most of the time. He is teaching me the virtues of patience and understanding I suppose.

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