Journey Through Time

By Sue

Morning Light

This is inside the Firstenberg Tower, gifted to Southwest Washington Medical Center by E.W and Mary Firstenberg. Ed Firstenberg was the founder of the First Independent Bank of Clark County. This was built in 2007, I believe. It's quite spiffy.

We got up at 4:45 this morning (referred to as o'dark forty five, I believe). We had to get Bill to the Southwest Washington Medical Center to have a coronary angiography to see why Bill's stress test in January wasn't up to snuff. He does have a blockage in a very small vein and this time the doctor decided to put Bill on a medicine that will help to open up the veins to promote better blood flow. He can't be on a beta blocker because Bill has naturally low heart rate and he wouldn't be able to handle the effects of that medicine. The other three stents that he got over 6 years ago look great. The location and type of vein that is blocked wasn't a good set up for another stent. The doctor said that down the road, it's possible Bill might need a pacemaker. Oh the joys of Senior Living. But, once again, Thank God for Modern Medicine.

This building has a wonderful garden that these windows are looking out on. There are two large decks with furniture to sit on and you can watch the water in this huge water feature. It's really pretty. I would encourage you to see the four photos I posted on blipfolio.. Especially since I found out after I took all these photos that taking pictures on the grounds was highly frowned upon. Security forces could have shown up, but they didn't. I was advised of this by the nice receptionist who told me that it was because of patient confidentiality. I assured her that I hadn't taken any photos of people and that I was done and thank you for not calling the Imaging Swat Team to haul me away.

I tried to read my book, but they had a TV in the waiting room and I couldn't turn it off. I wandered a bit, and soon they came for me to see Bill. He was all done. But, then we had to wait for 4 hours before he was released. At the moment, he is napping in the recliner. He's a good man and I love him and I'm sorry he is going to have issues with his heart. It's scary and worrisome, but he has a good doctor.

Anyway, I'm behind in a lot of journals again. I shall try to catch up. Eventually.

Its a nice day with thunderstorms in the area. Who knows, we might even get one here.

Stay well, my friends.

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