Castle Tioram from the Silver Walk path

The weather forecast determined that if we wanted to spend any time outdoors today, we'd have to do so this morning before the rain returned. So after breakfast we headed off to Castle Tioram to check out the start of the Silver Walk along Loch Moidart. It was quite an effort to negotiate the slippery, narrow, vertiginous path, and when the skies started to darken we decided that this was our sign to turn back.

Back at the bed and breakfast Mr hazelh watched the athletics while I caught up on some blogging, then the Settlers of Catan came out again for the entertainment of all. Mr hazelh appears to be on a winning streak so the rest of us are determined to beat him after dinner this evening.

My blip is of Castle Tioram from the Silver Walk. (Here is a close-up of the same castle in the sunshine last May.)

Exercise today: 5276 steps - which doesn't seem many for the effort we put into clambering up and down the path.

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