
By GugsGhataure

Gecko fabulous

Another reason to move to the tropics. Cool geckos everywhere. My colleague and I have decided to try a new place once every week. We came across an Italian (after a week in the field, he needed a break) and it was much fancier than I expected. I rocked up with a large papaya in my hand, that I bought at the market for breakfast in the weekend). Rob was a bit embarrassed that I had to bring that in - I didn't care. I love papaya more than anything (another reason to leave the UK).

The place reminded me of Kenya, dinner in a large garden, with quaint lights, big plans and gorgeous plants - this is a nice escape from the contrast of where I work and currently live. A Burmese man played the guitar - exceptionally talented - he played some amazing classical pieces on the guitar, it completed the mood nicely.

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