
By GugsGhataure


A week and a bit has gone, and I am loving being here. I'm not a fan of huge cities, but Yangon is growing on me.
Balcony people watching is one of my fav past times. I can sit there for ages just observing.

I found an apartment that I'm moving into soon - really excited about it. It's in a quiet part of town and is nice and light! Went plant shopping yesterday - I could have spent hours there and would have nearly bought everything and turned the place into a jungle. Lucky the heat won, and saved me some cash, and sitting in a taxi full of plants.

Bottom right of pic: kids blowing bubbles out of the window. I think it's totally acceptable that for the last 8 years, I've had a little bottle of bubbles by my windowsill. So that whenever I feel like, I blow bubbles outside down the street or in my room. I got it at uni and used it lots at Delph mount, where I had the most massive window and then in Cambridge. And now, I threw it in my toiletries (essential item) when I was packing for Myanmar. Small things.

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