
By Bigdreamer

Strawberry fields

It is amazing how much my girls love strawberries, I bought home two punets today and already they are gone. In the middle of winter I find it hard to satisfy their fetish .At the moment they are $6.00 a punet, but as a nice surprise for them I decided to treat them. They happily dug into them and they were all gone in under 10 minutes.

Today I have tried many things with my photography, I have not been happy, I am starting to really critic myself and i am becoming really frustrated as the image I have i n my head is not coming through to my camera .....I think I really need to do some classes as I don't think I understand the basic things, so therefore I can capture what I want, before I was happy with a point and shoot way but after being on here I want MORE....I will just have to wait to my kids are all off at school,at least one good thing about having them pretty young is that I will still have plenty of years ahead of me to do some learning for myself.

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