No 190: Snow Bunting

A bit of a setback last night, as I came down with a sharp, but fortunately short tummy bug. I wasn't sure if I'd be feeling up to going out today, but our tour guide persuaded me that I'd be ok - which I was. We set of this morning in search of Red Squirrels and Crested Tits, but our guide got only a brief glimpse of the tits, and I got the briefest glimpse of a Red Squrrel. We that went up to the Cairngorn, and braved the skiers and snowboarders, not to mention the icy blasts on the funicular to search for Snow Bunting and Ptarmigan. No luck with the Ptarmigan, sadly, but the Snow Buntings were waiting for us in the car park. Off to Islay tomorrow.

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