Pot at the Yard

A bit of a cough has developed. I reckon it was sweeping up the stoor. Or maybe shivering out waiting for buses. But I shan't go on about it. Yes, if you could just lightly toast those hot cross buns, I could maybe manage one. Don't spare the butter. And a cup of tea? Don't leave the bag longer than three minutes, I'm poorly.
At lunchtime though we did entertain J&L down at the house, and treated them to the viewing of a rainbow. You don't see that up Cor-stor-feen way. Along to the Chain Pier. Note to self: 4oz burger next time, not 8oz. And next time is tomorrow. I'll need to get over this lurgy. Could you dilute this juice a bit further? Yes, that's my hand. And this is my foot. Please wait on both.

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