a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Stealth Tim Tam Raid

Just for the record..... that's not my hand ravaging the biscuits.

Been feeling a bit off colour the last couple of days, with everything being a bit of a struggle. Going out tonight after work simply to go blip-hunting definitely qualifies as being in the 'too hard' basket. Care Factor is zip, zero, nada. So instead you've got a photo of someone trying (and failing) to discreetly sneak a Tim Tam off the lunch table.

I am however most disgruntled to learn that Tim Tams were called such after an American horse that won the 1964 Kentucky Derby. What the...? These are iconic Australian biscuits, dammit! It's not right that they honour a sodding American horse!***
*** Yes, I'm sure American horses are lovely; don't send me hate mail for maligning the adorability of American horses. But you get my point.

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