
By Jamjar

I couldn't decide which photo to use, but opted in the end for the quirkiness of this one and used the other two as extras.

Beginning from the garden centre at Chatsworth, this walk had everything:-
Dramatic weather with thunder and lightening, rain and hail as well as hot sunshine.. in fact none of us knew what clothing to put on or take off.
A great pace, although since the walk was supposed to be 'leisurely' I'm surprised some folk didn't complain.  But as soon as I saw who the leader was to be I knew that there wouldn't be anything leisurely about the walk and I wasn't disappointed.
Of course he should have appointed a back-marker, preferably one who knew the route, because towards the end of the walk five of our number went exploring an area of woodland in search of the rest of us because they were so far behind that they'd no idea where we'd gone!  Ooops...
Great conversation about walking, men, Corsica and the GR20 in particular, dog-ownership, fair-weather walkers, sat-navs, running, beauty in nature.... need I go on?
Tea and a massive slice of coffee and walnut cake a couple of miles before the end, but it was instead of Easter chocolate so that's ok!

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