A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Surprise Me!

Albi waiting patiently for her Easter egg.

It seems to be a dog themed weekend and in addition to the usual dog walks and feeding etc, today has seen both games of Woof!* and dog top trumps. There has also been a game of Exploding Kittens but that is now pretty standard fare.

Weather wise has quite literally been sunshine and showers and by very good fortune I have managed to time all my outings in the dry bits.

Our aim for J was to have a steady day with no crashes and I think we have pretty much achieved that through diligent feeding, resting and spacing of activities. The latter including the above mentioned game of Woof! in which he achieved some impressive Albi jumping over a large cardboard box, a walk around the block and active participation in our obscure treasure hunt which was, fortunately, a hit.

And now stuffed so full of lamb, red wine and chocolate that I can't move it is time for the last episode of the truly splendid TV adaptation of The Night Manager.

Despite starting out ridden with low level anxiety Saturday Part III can also be marked a pass.

Lesley x

*splendid board game which the dog plays too.

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