A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Working Day

The weirdest thing that happened today was probably Carl helping Albi to hide a marrowbone under her bed after she had freaked out that a blackbird had tried to steal it in the garden.

This morning me, Carlos and Anna took Albi for a park trip in the tail end of the storm to meet one of my brothers and his eldest boy. There was lots of ball throwing and running around and a quite ridiculous amount of swinging.

This afternoon saw a big tick of the parenting box for me. I have been saying pretty much forever that me and Anna can do one of the Great British Bake Off technical challenges and pretty much about the same amount of time never actually making it happen. Until today. We made sweet and savoury pretzels. Carlos and JJ were Paul and Mary / Mary and Paul. Not sure we established the precise roles, though J did declare himself head judge so either he is Mary or Len if he is getting confused with Strictly. Anyway, we spent most of the time having little idea of what was going on but we did turn out things that looked like pretzels. Carlos liked mine best and J liked Anna's so she was declared the winner. Which was a great thing as my little perfectionist had nearly given up when all wasn't going exactly amazing halfway so I hope it has helped her to learn what appears to be a tough lesson that even if she can't do something amazingly well immediately she really shouldn't give up. And to be fair to her she didn't.

Special mention must go to our wonderful name badges...Anna's idea was to raid her box of alphabet badges...sadly not enough Es for my name so we made our initials instead.

The very brilliant freecycle helped us sort out some unwanted furniture pieces with quite frightening efficiency. It was almost a case of think about them going and gone they were.

And finally, the dear boy...he has had a pretty good day. A walk, some maths, Exploding Kittens, pretzel testing, teaching Carl some weird and wonderful stunts on a PS4 game. And no crashes.

Now I just need to stop waking up with a feeling of doom and dread when the days are not turning out as bad as I am fearing.

The whole Monday in Sunday's clothing was pretty fine.

Lesley x

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