A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Six small eggs in two acres could have been a challenging Easter Egg hunt.  50+ mini eggs in the house proved to be more of one.  I think we've found most of them now...

In the afternoon we went into Malvern and visited the small local history museum that we'd not managed to get along to before (it's only open a few months each year).  It's a nicely laid out selection of Malvern's history, from early time and the monastery; the water cure period; and the later telecomms & radar high-tech industry. 

The find of the day was the image in the extra photo - an early depiction of the Dell House on the edge of a copy of a drawing/engraving.  Confidently identifiable by it's relative location to Holy Well and the presence of the immediately adjacent church.

What's especially interesting is that this is the only image we've found of it in it's original form - before the tower and atrium were added in around 1860.  The image must therefore date between 1837 when the church was built, and 1860.

So that's what the entrance looked like... and, yes, the wing is contemporary with the original build, and not a later addition - both bits of information we were missing.

Interestingly, the chimneys are where we'd expect them to be apart from one.  There is no chimney on the south face (left hand of image); so our removal of it last year was rather more than just a visual improvement, but a restoration too!

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