What A Blooming Wonderful Easter Monday .

The weather is amazing. A sunny 16°c. Ideal for an ice cream Easter Monday at Cafe Mauritius. On leaving  the flat I spotted a huge number of yellow crocus on Theodor Heuss Platz & trees in  blossom  by the RBB. First the blossom. I chose this shot against the dark brick wall. Then the vibrant crocus, easy to photograph. However it had to be this. By a fluke a car with a waving monkey is driving by:) As the crocus can be seen through the car window it's perfect.
*The extra is blossom against a vivid blue sky .I was pleased with the collage blossom shot  as the dark of the wall , red of car, yellow crocus and border ,toned to match the German flag ...Another fluke. 

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