Now we are 10!

A crystal birthday bowl of leftover Easter ham for Madame. She's now impossible, doing all of her tricks to get my attention for more of that delicious ham. Sweeping things off the kitchen counter, rattling painting frames, the mail is now on the floor and she's howling, trilling, whining and insisting on more BIRTHDAY HAM ! It will be quite a morning I'm sure.

Her first birthday was not such a wonderful day, it was the morning I discovered that my mother had passed away during the previous evening. Enough sadness, today is a day to celebrate a magnificent cat, intelligent, loving and so, so photogenic. She is more fun than you can imagine and a loving, loyal companion. We adore her. Check the extras for a photo of her first morning here, already the Duchess of Dogcorner!

Cat/human age calculator, Raspberry is 57, old enough to drink

Second extra, This morning's sunrise

For the Record,
This day came in with a glorious sunrise and cool but warmer weather, but what WIND!!!

All hands healing. 

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