Da Burns

It was a sunny morning but cold, it clouded over in the late morning but warm sunshine followed.  A great start to the Borrowing Days :)

I was up early this morning with the fine day and booked a plane ticket for Foula.  I've spent the day walking allover Foula taking photos, with the odd pit stop for a cuppa and also had a cuppa with Davie Henry, he also had guests Fran and bairns plus a visitor from Aberdeen.  Pilot Hughie Manson took me for a run around the back of the isle on my way home again and plenty of other air sights to see, I also got to sit next to him as copilot :)  Off to work in the pub tonight.  
Foula must be the most remote and isolated inhabited island in the UK and that makes it all the better.  It's mountainous landscape is truly fantastic and a great climb during a drier spell.  This is Da Burns and this really shows it's isolation but beauty too, with the first peak Hamnafield, Da Sneug in the centre and Da Kame on the right. 

I've added a few extra photos for this special trip :)

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