Great Crested Grebes

You could say that today was not exactly my day.

This morning I had to be somewhere but I had to walk there instead of taking the bus because it had left too early and I'd missed it. In my opinion they should not be allowed to do that.

Just as I started my walk, I spotted a Great Crested Grebe on the other side of the street but I couldn't stop to take any photos or I would have been too late.

Before returning home I did some shopping. It was sunny and dry when I entered the supermarket but grey and raining when I came out. The sun did reappear later but not until after I was home again.

There was one thing that partially did go my way. The Great Crested Grebe was still where I'd seen it earlier and had even been joined
by a second one. Getting a photo of them was not so easy though as it was quite gloomy and still raining at that moment and the Grebes frequently disappeared under water.

After 3 days off, which went much too quickly, it's back to work for me tomorrow.

A big thank you for all the comments and stars on yesterday's tulip blip.

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