Holiday Day 5

The sun decided to show up today, a few days late but appreciated all the same.

Another lie-in, another lovely breakfast (Bacon. And hot crossed buns. It's like a secret combination that nobody bothered to tell me about.) before heading out to Wells.

We strolled around for hours: around the Cathedral, inside the Cathedral, into the farmers market, around the town, into the Bishops Palace, around the moat, back around town and home. Hours of strolling and oooohing and ahhhhhing and obviously a lot of mmmmmmmmming. We have definitely eaten our way around Wells.

Back home to rest our weary legs before heading out to successfully spot the Glastonbury Tor, which, despite never being mentioned in any guidebooks, looks exactly like a giant breast. No wonder all the Earth Mothers love it down there.

Wells = delightful. And not a hippy or incense stick in sight.

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