I'm starting with the [wo]man in the mirror...

'...I'm asking [her] to change [her] ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.'
A bit of MJ on a Wednesday night.... I had no photos today, so took a quick emergency blip in the bathroom mirror & Danny reminded me of the Michael Jackson song...good & true words as well!

Asha's had an amazing day, first playing at Rudy's, then later another friend and her Mom came over. The mom isn't someone I know that well,  but we live close to each other & the girls get on well...& tonight she seemed to want/need a chat. I was more than happy to oblige & listen to her talk as we sipped our tea.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Charlie & Sol this morning...an unplanned morning, made better once I let go of my 'to do' list & just enjoyed it. Solomon times seem all the more precious now we know they're leaving the island in a few months.
2) Thea being so kind & having Asha so I could do house stuff in readiness for Mom arriving tomorrow.
3) A nice natter with Juan who begs outside our supermarket. He is SUCH a lovely man with a radiant smile, a real gentleman who is always ready to talk, and always asks after Asha & Danny. I have a real soft spot for him. He always takes his hat off when we talk, quite old-fashioned really!

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