The windmill

Another of our favourite places to visit in Nottingham is the windmill. I don't actually remember it being there when I was a child (although it must have been!) but it was renovated maybe 10 years ago and now stands proud above the city.
Unfortunately, on the way back, I took a tumble on the pavement - a full, flat on my face crash there for everybody to see. I had my camera round my neck at the time and as I hit the deck my only thought was 'is my camera still in one piece?' I rolled off it and exclaimed 'it's OK' and then proceeded to check to see if I was injured.
 As I write this tonight I have 2 very sore knees, grazes to my hands and a spectacular camera shaped bruise just below my ribcage. I will ache a lot tomorrow.
My camera has a broken lens cap and a few scratches on the screen but it works fine. It's good to know where my priorities lie!

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