Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Clouds, again!

Off into the city today again to buy the last things for the exhibition. It didn't go exactly as I hoped, but I think I can make it work. Almost all of the frames are painted black and now I'm only waiting for my photos. I'm not sure that some of them will make it to me before I leave, which will create some small chaos, but I've found some replacement photos and it will work I hope.
On my way home from the bus, I saw these clouds and the sun was shining behind them, making them shine a bit, so I couldn't not blip them! :)

I've started exercising with Zumba. It's really fun and it feels in the whole body afterwards, even in my wrists! I'm rather happy I'm doing it in front of my computer, though, were nobody can see me. Yesterday was my first time and I laughed at myself several times! I hope I'll get better with practice! I'm doing it tomorrow morning again. The moves are very much like Latin dance style, which I danced in a dance course many years ago. I haven't forgotten everything, but enough to look silly and being happy that I'm doing it at home! :D

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