"Jackie had a little lamb..."

Dear Diary,

Well, 24 lambs at most recent count!  This little fellow along with his sister (extra photograph) were born a week and a half ago and mom wasn't able to nurse them so they are being raised on a bottle.  They were the most adorable wee creatures!  They followed Jackie around like puppies and got on really well with Jackie's Border Collies. Jackie says they think they are puppies rather than lambs!  To see then hopping and frolicking in the sunshine was wonderful.

I don't think there is anything in the world more sweet than the face of a lamb and they instantly lower your blood pressure.  When you are holding them or playing with them your mind is fully engaged with the moment and all the problems of the world disappear.  I was sorely tempted to adopt these two!

The old saying for March is "In like a lion, out like a lamb".  Well, today will be very lamb-like indeed.  Mid-60'sF and blue skies.  I'll take it!  A perfect day to drive up the coast to Belfast to visit the stone carver.  We will check out his studio and see examples of his work.  It will be quite a treat.

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