Gratifying Work

A good morning at the day job was followed by an excellent massage with a new client. She had done something with her neck and had been in a lot of pain. I followed the protocols I've been trained in and afterwards she said she felt so much better and she certainly had much more freedom of movement.

It's so satisfying to see these techniques produce immediate results. It's also humbling to know that someone in pain is willing to trust me to get in to the area that hurts to try to relieve the pressure. At one point she said that something I was doing was painful but that because I was so calm she didn't really feel the pain and that she could feel the benefit. It's truly a privilege to do this work.

Afterwards I met Dr T in The Skylark for another quiz night. It was a different quizmaster and a very different quiz. We did alright and won a little money but we both much prefer the other quizmaster.

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