Kitchen Cove, 10.55am, 2.04.16

Well it stopped raining but all was grey down in the Kitchen this morning so I thought I may as well go for some black and white. Neither man nor beast down there today and it was very calm but soggy.

We've been shooting around today - first off to Skibbereen for the grocery shop, it being too wet to have ventured out yesterday.  I mooched around the farmers' market and was charged with buying the olives and exotics. Then we had to go on to Schull via Abbeystrewery to check out a holy well. I wasn't very hopeful about this one - an old eye well - and I found nothing except for a pretty impressive view down into the town from up high amongst squelchy pasture.

We're off out again shortly to see Sing Street - an Irish film and it's meant to be uplifting according to Maeve.  I'll report back.

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