Bonus Bird: Crossbill

They think it's all over....
We breakfasted quite early this morning as the others in the group were leaving on an earlier train, which gave us a hour to do a little wander. We'd hoped to see something special but weren't holding our breath. In the event, although the walk was very pleasant but we didn't see anything out of the ordinary. When we got back, just as we were preparing to load our luggage into the minibus for our trip to the station, Our guide spotted something on the drive. At first we thought they were Greenfinches, but on closer inspection, they turned out to be Crossbills. Just enough time to get a few quick shots. This one is probably a juvenile male, and the other 3 were females. They are probably Scottish Crossbills, but there is an outside chance of them being Parrot Crossbills. I'm hoping to get the ID confirmed while I can still edit this but I'm calling them Scottish Crossbills as this is the most likely.
Home now after the long journey home. Supper beckons. Back to normal tomorrow.

Edit: Craig our guide believes this is a Common Crossbill, so not a new bird ;-(

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