Summer wardrobe

I had a quick trip out today nosing in the gorse bushes alongside the road being 'hooted' by noisy boy racers!
In the midst of all this I found this little Gorse shieldbug Piezodorus lituratus, clinging on for dear life to a gorse thorn, sporting his beautiful summer wardrobe. 
In the winter these little bugs are dark bronze/green......but in the summer they turn bright green with yellow antennae and legs tipped with red - perfect.
I also found a tiny (2-3mm) Gorse weevil Exapion ulicis, which eats the soft tissue of gorse bushes using it's long snout, I have put a shot in my extras as he is rather sweet, and also a shot of the female Hairy-footed flower bee, the female to yesterday's male.

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