
By TheJuicyDoyenne

Happy 22nd B-Day Millheim Small Engine & Hardware!

"Change may come to you in trinkets and I hope it adorns your life gracefully." 
~ Dodinsky

Pictured are just a few tchotchkes that I was gifted with when I stopped into Millheim Small Engine & Hardware to pay my rent today.
My landlord also happens to own this shop, which is quite popular with the folk of Penns Valley, and since they are currently celebrating being in business for 22 years, many cute little mementos like these are being given out to thank their loyal customers for their business. 
While cute little trinkets are always cool, what impressed me even more is what the gesture says about how Henry treats his customers. In this day and age it is truly rare to find a business that cares about customer service and values those who shop there.

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