Starring Binky Bunzini in: The Full Binky!

April is up to her old shenanigans. We thought we were heading full-speed toward spring, but the howling winds did an about-face, and brought winter back for one more visit. We had a skiff of snow overnight, and woke up to find ourselves in late December instead of early April.

When the weather is cold, all of the yard critters show up with grumbly tummies, hoping for a snack. And of course, my husband obliges with great glee. He had already put out several rounds of peanuts for the birds, when the bunny showed up and shook him down for some carrot slices.

The bunny's name is Binky Bunzini. We named him/her that after we observed its full-on binkying behavior the very first time we met it. (A binky is a crazy hop that a happy rabbit makes.) We first met Binky on my husband's birthday last year; and what a gift the rabbit's friendship has been since then!

The bunny was so little when we first met it, that it binkied itself silly and then sat looking exhausted and surprised. It didn't even understand what it was doing! And so on this particular morning - chilly, with blowing snow flurries - we were treated to a repeat performance from that first meeting, as Binky (with a belly full of fresh carrot slices) did some full-on, wild-bunny binkies in the sun!

One of the tricks for being happy -  so I have discovered - is learning to live in and fully appreciate this moment, now. I would submit, my friends, that there is no better tonic for the world's soul than to stop for a moment and watch a wild rabbit doing binkies in the sun. The song to accompany this image is John Mellencamp, with Love and Happiness.    <3   :-)

P.S. And she's airborne! I think it's quite possible she takes after her parents:
Bunway Airlines Ready for Takeoff!
The Great Flying Bunzini Show!

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