Earthworks 2

Today's the day .......................... for a progress report

I just know you'll be wanting an update on how Will is getting on with the re-structuring of our back garden?!

Well, as you can see, he has been working very hard - digging, sorting, riddling (as in putting soil through a riddle to get rid of stones), constructing, filling - and lots of other exhausting tasks.  Today, he took delivery of a poly-tunnel thingy which will enable us to grow more delicate plants - and hopefully also keep them away from the clutches of slugs and snails.  It's all coming along a treat.

"...............and what have you been doing?" I hear you say.  Well, as I explained before - my strengths lie in other fields - which haven't been called upon as yet.  And I do make a very good cup of coffee - and a home-made scone ............................  

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