Mono Monday : : Fool

I have been keeping this drawing from the New York Times for a long time. At first, when nobody took his candidacy seriously, it was amusing. Then, as things went from vaguely amusing to mystifying to horrifying, I kept it on my bulletin board to keep alive the initial hope that the man is a fool, and that all his apparent supporters would come to their senses. I thought 
Here are a couple of other reasons why I still have some hope. I thought I'd let others speak for me today….

1. fool:
a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person
idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, clod…and my favorite, labeled informal: numbnuts.
-Google Dictionary

2. It is time to go back where we began: not only that Donald Trump will lose the Republican presidential nomination, but that he could be so weakened by the end of the primaries that his party will not even have to worry about choosing someone else….

I feel your skepticism. Hasn't Trump so far defied all predictions of his demise? Hasn't every claim that "now he's gone too far" been wrong? 

You could look at last week [when his campaign manager was charged with battery and Trump blamed the reporter who was battered. When he flip-flopped on whether women should be legally punished for having an abortion, underscoring that he hasn't really thought very much about the positions he is taking or even what he says from moment to moment] as an aberration that Trump, the magician, will somehow surmount. 

In fact, these episodes ...ratify what Trump skeptics have said all along:
that he is utterly unprepared to be a serious candidate, let alone president of the United States; that an endless stream of insults against all those who get in his way wears thin over time; that he is is winginging it and stubbornly refusing to do the homework the enterprise he's engaged in  requires; and that trashing ethnic and religious minorities can win you a fair number of votes but not, thank God, a majority of Americans…(who) may love circuses but ultimately want elections to be more than Barnum and Bailey productions.

We demean ourselves as a people if we think that Trumpism is the wave of the future.
--E.J. Dionne, Washington Post


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