Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Fang's machine

Before and after..........

There are some folk who have an empathy with machinery and there are those who will keep on using a machine despite the howls and squeals coming from the poor thing. Witness the idiots who drive around with a screaming fan belt when all they need do is pay a mechanic for 10 minutes labour, thereby reducing the noise and ensuring their water pump and battery are working.

My mother in law, Fang, is one of the latter. We go to visit and I take a small tool kit. It remains in my pocket until about 30 seconds before we leave.

"I don't suppose you could have a quick look at my washing machine? It's making an odd noise."

Well so would she if one of her hair grips had been inserted in her, sheared off at the joint to the clip and then she had been rotated at 1200 rpm. I'd lay good money she'd be singing a song which would make the Spanish Inquisition seem like a Noel Edmunds game show. Luckily the clip is made of stainless steel or she would be complaining of rust stains on her dhoby.

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