A Day Out

There are places good to visit if one is in possession of a car, but almost impossible to reach by bus. Whitmuir Organic Farm near Lamancha is one of those places, 16 miles south of Edinburgh and strategically placed 4 miles from any public transport.
It would be possible to cycle there if one set off early enough, but a 32 mile round trip from Edinburgh for a scone and look round the onsite art gallery is one cycle ride too far.
How kind then that, JoppaStrand and Tiggy drove us there today for a lovely get together and chat over coffee and scones. Strictly speaking there were 2 scone abstainers and it doesn't take much inside information to know who they were. So the scone you see in the blip belongs, not surprisingly, to me.

As usual The Dancing Light Gallery was an added attraction, filled with pictures and craft objects and there was a detailed inspection of the adjoining farm shop.
Even the weather behaved with the sun keeping the forecast rain at bay.

Thank you JS and Tiggy for a delightful morning and letting us, bus pass holders, see some of the world outside bus routes.

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