A Miracle in our Time

This is the tale of a miracle performed by St Anthony, the saint of lost property.

Glasgow daughter was the lucky recipient of my late aunt's engagement ring several years ago and, quite unlike this M&S cut glass ring costing £12:50, was of considerable value. Consider her panic then, when returning home on the train after a visit to her sister in Shipley, she discovered the middle diamond missing. Despite having the whole carriage hunting for it on the floor, nothing was found.
Distraught doesn't begin to describe how she felt when she phoned her sister describing her journey north and detailing any spots that she might have lost it.

The ladies's loo at Carlisle station was a possibility and with the clear organised mind she has, younger sister phoned Carlisle station and asked if someone could look for it in the toilets. The response, ' it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack', did not dissuade her for pursuing the request. 20 minutes later and a phone call from Carlisle said that the missing diamond had been found on the floor of the ladies' wash room. That is surely the biggest miracle that Saint Anthony has ever perpetrated.

Glasgow daughter about turned and went straight back to Carlisle and retrieved it.
Huge sighs of relief and Auntie May can rest easy in her grave again.

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