
I had my last walk with Bitsy this morning on our usual route through the woodland that happens to be a paint-balling site at weekends, hence this sign at the 'headquarters'. I bet the goggles are an important part of the equipment!

I've never tried paint-balling and I can't honestly say it appeals to me - killjoy that I am - but I'm sure it's great fun. Have any of you ever been paint-balling?

Today I noticed these abandoned trainers (extra) for the first time, even though we must have walked past them every day this week, which shows how unobservant I am... and how forgetful some people are ;-)

Later this evening I'll be collecting Anne from the airport after her jaunt to Paris, thus bringing an end to my Bitsy-walking duties which I have enjoyed.

Have a good weekend, blipmates!

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