The second half of life..

By twigs

Haka boy!

What a sociable day I've had today!

Ex neighbours - and the owners of the trailer I'd borrowed last week - called early to ask whether they could "borrow our trailer"!! They came round to pick it up and we ended up having a good ol' chin wag on the drive for half an hour plus.

I then went up to L&M's to visit and to pick up a corrugated tin cutter L is lending me so I can continue with the shed 'renovations'. I stayed up there for an hour and a half and again spent a lot of time chewing the fat about a few things with M - like summer holiday plans!

On the way home I dropped in to G&M's where I was going to take some family pics. Sadly, G wasn't feeling the best (nothing, he assured me, to do with a big departmental social night out last night that ended at 3:00am and involved plenty of liquid refreshment!!!!!). The plans were changed to just doing some kiddlies pics!

Luke here missed out the last set I did as he wasn't too well (a genuine tummy upset!!) but he thoroughly enjoyed showing me his version of the All Black haka whilst bouncing on the trampoline :)

And talking of the AB's - commiserations to all England supporters after last night's loss at the hands of the mighty AB's. (Being a pom, there's part of me that still flinches at that!) It wasn't a great visual spectacle, but an enjoyabble second half at least.

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