Chilli on the deck!

I made a chilli for the Minx and myself, last night, and there was a bowlful left over for lunch today. 

I had to drive down to Chippenham, this evening, so I worked from home, this morning, not least because I needed to pack for five days away: Thetford tomorrow; London, Friday; and a weekend away with the Minx in Petworth. I'm rubbish at planning for anything more than a night away.

Once I'd done all the things I needed to this morning - lots of urgent things and not the things I wanted to do - I packed and then microwaved the chilli. It was the sunniest of days but, hey, it wasn't raining, so I took my food out onto the deck. 

I've missed this view, looking out over Kirkby Lonsdale and across the valley. You can see it in the background, just behind my lunch :-)

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