
I missed the best of the day this morning in my usual faffing way ... beginning to sort out possibilities, tides and times at Burnham Overy for scattering dad's ashes, contacting relatives to see if dates might suit, working in the garden, trip to Flusco, etc.  By the time I got on to Great Mell Fell I was caught in a tremendous hailshower that lasted for ages so I took shelter under the dense cover of a larch tree but even there the hail managed to find it's way through.

Hailstorm - Kay Ryan

Like a storm
of hornets, the
little white planets
layer and relayer
as they whip around
in their high orbits,
getting more and
more dense before
they crash against
our crust. A maelstrom
of ferocious little
fists and punches,
so hard to believe
once it's past.

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