Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Going Fishing

Mr. Osprey has been very busy since the Mrs. arrived back at the nest earlier this week.  In my blip he is on his way to get another fish which he will deliver to the nest.  I don't think the female has had to do any fishing for herself because he keeps her well supplied.  They've been mating multiple times every day (all caught on the live camera) and have been building up the sides of the nest and digging a nest cup that they have lined with grass and leaves.  First egg could be as soon as April 15th!

Thank you very much to everyone who left stars and hearts for my squirrel yesterday and on previous blips too!  I'd like to say that I got a lot of work done today but I'd be lying.  I've been outside almost all day enjoying our beautiful weather, first on a long walk with Piper and her dad.  She's so happy that it's swimming season again!  Then, after I was home for about an hour, my daughter called and wanted to go to visit the ospreys.  So we had a nice walk around their nesting area and then visited the Great Blue Heron rookery.  Tomorrow isn't going to be as nice so hopefully more conducive to starting to get caught up.....

If you check in on the live camera, there is a timeline just below the video that allows you to go back 4 hours.  You can scroll through until you see something happening and stop and watch from there.  So if you drop in and see an empty nest, try going back.

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