Secondhand Shed!

Full on allotment morning - all hens feet pedicured and all looking better, one scale even came off Betsy's leg so that's a good sign! The newbies were out and about looking well happy - chased a few times by the bossy girls but never caught! Colourful mai and I had a good old natter as we worked, caught up on the village gossip in between trying to remember which hens we had done and then trying to catch the ones we hadn't! Mai had a vodka hangover so I did most of the chasing!
We then sat in the sun on my bench and had a Rose Lemonade tea! Then weeding for her and shed swapping for me! 
My shed has been falling apartfor ages and the last winds saw a panel come off the front door - so time to move to the shed I inherited last year when I took over another plot! Much removing of spiders and cobwebs and then toing and froing with my bits. The new shed has shelves!!!!!!!Oh what fun arranging my seed boxes, rope and string collection, fertilisers, cat off ( used to keep rabbits off my crops!) slug off, chicken medication and spare bits and tools for the fence, and other essential allotment bits! I moved the hooks from the old shed and hung my tools - then pride of place my primus stove, kettle, mugs and tea bags!! I also inherited a DIY  toilet!! Plastic bucket with wooden seat and a biscuit tin upside down over the hole! No more peeing between the sheds for me!!
After 5 hours in the glorious sunshine I headed home and spent the afternoon exhausted in my conservatory reading and supervising Tilly and Pip. Pip still can't jump out the coop, even when I put a plank of wood as a ramp so she could walk up and then jump! Tilly kept doing raids on the cat food in the kitchen - Fat cat won't come out the attic as estel;le is in the kitchen, not sure if it's her or the cat carrier that is scaring her! Tilly then decided to perch on me, maybe as a thank you for getting rid of the young upstarts! She seems to like Pip and they were snuggled up together in the nesting box when i locked the coop this evening.
Tomorrow Estelle has a one way visit to the vets - couldn't get an appointment today. So she had a last day with the sun warming her face as she sat in the carrier, eating one of Pip's eggs and watching Tilly go to and fro in front of her - not a bad last day on earth.

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