Which Way?

What an amazing day today... long, tiring, creative, fun, inspiring. I got so tired I took a nap in the middle of the day.

It started with a painting day at Studio UFO. I created a new abstract painting. It is close to finished already. When we were critiquing the painting we turned it different ways. I actually like it better upside down. So here is a quiz for you all. Can you guess which is the original orientation of this painting. The photo is the same painting side by side in original and upside down orientation. Won't say which is which for the moment.

I slept very poorly last night so when I got home from painting I was exhausted. I lay down on our bed and was asleep in seconds. Even managed to eject Mehitabel each of the several times she came up and tried to walk across my stomach.

Made dinner for Larry, Arvin and me. Larry drove separately. Arvin and I picked up our friend Pat to go to the before concert talk, which was great, and then attend the Festival of Music concert this evening. It was FANTASTIC! We heard two Rodrigo concertos, one guitar and one harp, both amazingly played. Also a Haydn symphony and "The Birds" by Respighi. So great. The guitarist was really great, and very very cute. ;-) We bought a CD of his which he signed.

Got home late. Had a snack. And here I am processing the photo I took of the abstract painting I did earlier today. Let me know which orientation you like best and which you think was the original. Here is the large version.

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