Whoo are You?

The day began with work and not very successful photo shooting on the deck. The bad news is that the seagull is back. I kept going out and chasing him away but he kept coming back. Dang! He is making all the other birds nervous and they are not coming like they did before. I can understand why. He is big.

Next came more work downstairs to finally finish cleaning out the space and to gather all kinds of junk together for a trip to the dump. Such fun. Ha ha.

Then commenting for quite awhile this afternoon because I had gotten behind. I want to thank all of you who have commented and given my hearts and stars. It has been a spotlight kind of week and I am really thankful for all of you. Without your comments it would never have happened. So thank you.

Arvin and I ate a healthy dinner and afterwards we took a walk in Whatcom Falls Park. Last time we were there we met friends who said that the Barred Owls were hanging out at a particular part of the park. We didn't see any then but I steered our walk in that direction this evening. What a thrill. We saw both parents. This is the male I think. He was sitting in a tree above the creek making quite a racket. There were some young folks fishing and they told me he had been watching them. They expected him to try to take their catch. I forgot to ask them if they had caught anything.

We took a bunch of pictures and then moved on along the path, crossed the bridge and began walking home along the other side of the creek. Soon we got to the place across from the fishing folks and they said the owl was still there. We could all here a similar call coming from an area up ahead. We followed our ears and as we were crossing above the falls at Derby Pond, there was the other adult owl in a tree. Here she is. I am pretty sure it is the female adult. Here is another photo of her.

I couldn't decide which owl to blip. Chose the male because of his wonderful feathers and the look on his face. But that winking female was a close second.

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