Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Still life

Thump....thump thump...

Eyes closed and heart wide open, mind and senses ablaze with the freshness of the morning, breathe....

In quiet idyllic solitude, I sit with my legs dangling over the river bank, simply breathing, heart barely making a sound. With the sounds of the world drifting in and out of my ears as the softest of peace rests over me. The perfume of nature wrapping itself round me like smoke, silently tantalising me with familiar scents...wild Thyme, wet grasses and Dandilion.

The river so tranquil now, gentle and slow. The sky overhead blue, the blue of dreams. Childhood desires flood back and the lust for rolling down grassy slopes springs back carrying with it a smile. I can hear people waking, runners and walkers alike joining me on this wonderful morning. The cattle nearby making thunderous chomping noises as they enjoy the moist verdant breakfast. What a way to begin the day...thump...thump heart beats out the rhythm of my life, precious and wonderful..

Begin what you may...finish what you can... love what you do...find peace in yourself... Enjoy your life.

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