The Killer In The Front Room

Shortly after I had my hiatus from Blip last November, we were adopted by a cat. Polly turned up one day, from out of the bush, stopped in for dinner and has chosen us as her staff ever since.

We were concerned when shifted up the hill that she might go bush - after all we think she lived wild for a bit after being abandoned by previous owners. She's always been a cat that's done things her own way, but since the move her own way has involved not really moving from the comfort of the couch. Unless she's hunting of course.

And a hunter she is. A prodigious one. We're not having to worry about rodent control in the front room, she's killing mice daily. The room she calls home is perfect for her; it has its own fire, lots of sunshine and, because it is contained from much of our very open plan home, she's away from Jack, her canine nemesis. Peace in the house and rodent control? Perfect.

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